Going Remote: Our top tips for working from home
The work environment is constantly changing. As digital connectivity increases, it’s become more and more common for people to work remotely. Previously, working from home was the domain of freelancers or an infrequent perk for office workers. But in a post-coronavirus world, many of us are now working from home full-time. This can be a hard adjustment for some, so we’ve put together a handy collection of tips for working from home.
Our remote working tips
Pick a designated area
Establishing a routine is one of the best ways to stay productive at home. One of the easiest ways to do this is to dedicate an area where you can work each day. While this is often going to be a desk, it could also be somewhere else like your kitchen table.
Know when to take breaks
When working remotely, it is all too easy to wake up, sit at your desk and stay there late into the evening. Because of this, you miss out on the breaks that naturally occur when working in an office. Don’t fall into this trap. Knowing when to step away from your desk is critical for home working success.
Keep a to-do list
With so many distractions around the home, it’s easy to fall behind on your work. In order to keep on track, keep a daily to-do list. Not only will this keep you productive, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment each day.
Stay connected to your colleagues
Just because you’re not in the office doesn’t mean you should neglect to converse with your colleagues. Regular conversation is important for boosting team morale. You can keep in contact with workmates using Zoom, Skype, or whatever software your employer providers.
Shower and get dressed
For many people, showering and getting dressed marks the start of the day. It’s a process that helps you feel refreshed and ready for action. Working from home shouldn’t be an excuse to lay about in your pyjamas!
Get the right equipment
This could be anything from a decent webcam and headset for making video calls, to a comfy chair that doesn’t strain your back. The right equipment will make remote working more enjoyable.
Limit distractions
Distractions come in all shapes and sizes. For some, it’s the temptation to watch Netflix rather than work, for others it might be noisy children. Whatever distractions you have in your home, it’s important to limit their effects on your work.
Make the most of it!
Remote working can be incredibly rewarding. You get to enjoy home comforts, eat better food, and save money on transport. And by using our home working tips, you can make the most of the situation and ensure you stay as productive as possible!